Fly, Shine, Soar

Words and music by Ann Torralba (Little Miss Ann) • Letra y música por Ann Torralba (Little Miss Ann)

I want you to fly,
I want you to fly,
I want you to fly, my honeypie

I want you to shine,
I want you to shine,
I want you to shine, my sunshine

And I know I have some fears
And I know they engulf me
And I know I have to let them go

Yo quiero que vueles,
Yo quiero que vueles,
Yo quiero que vueles, hasta el sol

Yo quiero que brilles,
Yo quiero que brilles,
Yo quiero que brilles, mi corazón

I want you to soar,
I want you to soar,
I want you to soar, my love


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