
Ven Conmigo a Jugar / The Game of our Lives

Una canción explosiva, un dúo entre Juan Miguel, artista número uno de la música Pop en Venezuela, y 123 Andrés, para contagiarnos de la fiebre de fútbol. 

iTunes / Apple Music • Spotify • Deezer  • Google Play

A song that captures the energy of “World Cup fever”! More important, than winning, we love having fun and any excuse to run around. Let’s play!

iTunes / Apple Music • Spotify •  Deezer • Google Play


¡Celebra la Navidad con nosotros! Bembelé fue inspirada por recuerdos de la niñez, y se realizó junto al grupo bogotano ClaraLuna, también ganadores del Latin Grammy. El video se grabó en Bogotá y destaca algunos de sus alumbrados más reconocibles como lo son Monserrate y el Parque Nacional.

A song in Spanish to celebrate Christmas! The video was filmed in Bogotá at some of its most iconic sites – Monserrate and el Parque Nacional – and even at Andrés’ parents’ apartment! It stars Andrés’ little cousin Maria José, and features ClaraLuna, the Latin Grammy-winning children’s music group based in Bogotá.

iTunes / Apple Music • Spotify • Deezer • Google Play

Keep it Up

Andrés met Mario “Little Mario” Zavala and his family when Little Mario was only seven years old. Some time later he learned that “Little Mario” was battling Leukemia – for the second time. Andrés took his guitar to see Little Mario when in the hospital, and they played a few songs together. Then, Andrés suggested to Little Mario that they come up with a new song, and asked what message he would like to share with other kids. Little Mario whispered, “I would say, ‘Keep it up.'” Andrés promised they would create a song to share that message with other kids battling cancer. and he did, teaming up with the Sugar Free Allstars, to create this salute to all children facing serious illness and other monumental challenges. PS: Little Mario beat leukemia (again!) and is now healthy and thriving.

iTunes / Apple Music • Spotify • Deezer • Google Play

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